CLIP-ings: March 4, 2016

Internet Governance

Privacy Shield: Details of the proposed EU-U.S. “trans-Atlantic data transfer agreement” were released, and it recommends stricter regulations for companies and promised limits on America’s surveillance of Europeans’ online information.


Unlocking Precedence: A New York federal magistrate judge denied the government’s motion requesting that the court force Apple to unlock an iPhone in connection with a criminal trial, holding that the governments’ interpretation of the All Writs Act was too broad.

Facebooked: A Brazilian Facebook executive was released from jail after refusing to turnover WhatsApp messages in connection with a pending criminal case.

Information Security And Cyberthreats

Phishing Snaps: Snapchat’s payroll department fell victim to a phishing attack when a scammer obtained employees’ information by impersonating the company’s CEO.

Intellectual Property

Country Confusion: The Federal Circuit reversed and remanded a Court of International Trade decision affirming a U.S. Customs’ finding that jeans manufactured in China under the “C’est Toi Jeans USA” unregistered mark did not meet the “country-of-origin labeling requirement,” holding that the meaning of “trademark” within the customs regulation is subject to the Lanham Act’s definition, not the agency’s interpretation.

Free Expression And Censorship

Emoji Crisis: A 12-year old girl in Virginia is being criminally charged with “threatening the school and computer harassment,” after posting certain messages comprised of words and emojis on Instagram.

Practice Note

Food Truck Speech Curbed: A New York federal judge dismissed a lawsuit alleging that New York State officials’ interpretation of what constitutes “government speech” violated food truck owners’ First Amendment rights by refusing to let them operate in front of a state building due to an ethnic slur contained in the name of the truck.

On The Lighter Side

Selfie Free, Way To Be? Mumbai, India has designated 16 spots throughout the city as no-selfie zones in order to limit the amount of selfie-related injuries.

Joel R. Reidenberg
Stanley D. and Nikki Waxberg Chair and Professor of Law and Founding Academic Director, CLIP

N. Cameron Russell
Executive Director, Fordham CLIP

Thomas B. Norton
Privacy Fellow, Fordham CLIP

Victoria Geronimo
Dean’s Fellow, Fordham CLIP

Carey McConnell and Idalys Núñez
Editorial Fellows, Fordham CLIP

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